Specialty Size Bar Supplier

With unique properties and versatility, metals offer a variety of benefits to manufacturers and fabricators. While this versatility makes it feasible to get the job done with standard-size metals and alloys, ordering specialty size or custom-size products offer considerable advantages.

Benefits of metal raw materials developed for specific uses include increased service life, enhanced compatibility, reduced material waste and improved installation. Stock metal products are the complete opposite because production commences ahead of demand. They are often too large or small, which can cause fitment issues, require additional processes and increase material waste.

Receive specialty length steels and alloys sized for your specific use by partnering with Circle H Steel. We can supply custom stainless steel products in virtually any size and finish up to 27 feet long utilizing precision turning, grinding and polishing services.

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Circle H Steel Bar

Material Grades

Leverage custom metal and alloy sizing to your advantage with assistance from Circle H Steel. From the moment an order is received, we are all accountable for the service and final product. No request is unattainable and our team will exhaust every resource available to exceed client expectations.

Contact us to learn more about our specialty sizing capabilities.

Circle H Steel Bar

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Contact our team of specialists today.


8261 Monroe Rd,
Houston, TX 77061

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